Whales in Gold Coast waters were enjoying their day as they socialised with us with very curious approaches while the Pacific Gold Coast Airshow put on an incredible display. A moody sky created a dramatic backdrop for the first of the planes to take flight along the Surfers Paradise skyline. Our first pods for the morning were very focused and moving north with efficiency, steady downtimes and consistent surfacing’s resulted in a great migration rhythm. Wishing them well for their journey we made our way back in towards the coastline and approached a second pod that were in an entirely different mood and age group. Young bachelor males surfaced and both were extremely relaxed and curious as they meandered south very slowly.
Approaching the Whale Watch 1 with interest we could see they were very keen to come in and have a look. One of the boys launched into a big breach just off our bow before they both moved in and spent the rest of their morning hanging out with everyone onboard. The boys were not in a rush and would sit underneath us before surfacing right alongside with every powerful exhalation heard clearly and barnacle scars on show. The wonderful curiosity of Humpback Whales is very special to observe when you can feel that intense focus directed your way while spending time with these social pods. The enormous Hercules passed overhead as the airshow was in full flight and our whales were more than happy with the activities unfolding around them. It was another wonderful time with the Gold Coast whales and we wished these lovely two bachelor males the safest of travels ahead.