About Us

Whale Watch Queensland is part of a sixth generation Australian family owned and operated company

The family business started in pearling on the remote Pilbara & Kimberly coastlines in 1985 and now has interests in Whale Watching & Eco Tourism ventures throughout our great country.

Our Western Australia Whale Watching Tours

Bremer Bay Orca (Killer Whales), the only location in Australia providing guaranteed Orca tours.

Perth Canyon Blue Whales, the only tour of its kind in Australia providing guaranteed Blue Whale tours.

The largest Humpback Whale migration in the world with over 45,000 joining the annual journey.

Endangered Southern Right Whales and their developing nursery ground in Flinders Bay.

Sperm Whales, Pilot Whales, Minke Whales, Risso Dolphins, Beaked Whales, Sunfish and migratory seabirds
can also be sighted during particular times of our all year whale watch tours.

Visit Whale Watch Western Australia