Gold Coast Weekend Whale Watching

Gold Coast weekend whale watching was superb as today we had the opportunity of meeting a curious yearling before enjoying the company of two enormous and very confident adults. Sunny skies and a calm sea escorted us all the way out to the sighting grounds with a picture perfect day to enjoy. Our first sighting was of a mother and calf quietly moving north and keeping a low profile as we moved past to allow them on their way. Approaching the pod just ahead of us we slowed and waited to see who would surface next. A small dorsal fin broke the surface and was followed by a very small fluke disappearing back into the depths below. It was a yearling Humpback Whale who had recently separated from his mum and was now taking on the big blue world ahead of him. The little one was shy which is to be expected with this age group as they grow in experience and knowledge each and every day. The youngster launched into two big tail lobs just to assert his dominance and on the next surfacing found himself closing in on the Whale Watch 1 with curiosity. A few other vessels approached and we decided it was a good opportunity to wish him well as he continued his northern migration solo for the first time.

A few pods had started to gather and as we approached the location a magnificent flying fish soared right alongside us, water level and only a few meters away which was a very amusing and spectacular sight! The pod closest was very relaxed and as they twisted and rolled on the surface it appeared the female may have been showing some slight discomfort, possible signs that she was in the early stages of labour. The male and female were extremely confident and curious as they approached us for a very close look and would surface right alongside us before lifting their enormous flukes and diving right on our bow. It was amazing to be so close and observe their interest towards us as they returned repeatedly. A slight distance away another Humpback pod were moving past as we also observed Bottlenose Dolphins launching completely airborne as activity bubbled away along this stretch of the migration path. It was another brilliant few days of Gold Coast weekend whale watching aboard the Whale Watch 1 and wonderful to have met so many beautiful Humpback Whales.

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