Gold Coast Whale Watching

Whale Watch Queensland

Gold Coast whale watching during June is a perfect time to enjoy glorious winter days and see the spectacular Language of the Whales in the waters off Surfers Paradise. A beautiful day of sunshine and a warm breeze stretched out over the Gold Coast as we departed the Broadwater and made our way out towards the sighting grounds. A very gentle swell made for fantastic travelling conditions as the Whale Watch 1 surfed her way perfectly through the Pacific Ocean. Our first pod was settled into migration mode as the two individuals travelled together with great symmetry and covered ground efficiently past the seaway. It was wonderful to see them both looking so healthy with great weight on indicating a very good summers feeding season had been enjoyed. Humpback Whales will generally not feed at all during the duration of their migration which means they rely on their fat reserves to sustain them on these epic migrations, every ounce of energy reserves counts!

Wishing them well for their journey ahead we moved out towards a second pod who were causing a commotion with breaching, head lunging and pec slapping erupting. Arriving on scene we could observe one very flirty female Humpback, a protective male escort travelling with her and a juvenile male a short distance away. It appeared she was trying to attract the attention of any nearby bachelor males with beautiful breaching followed up by pec slapping. She would breach while her male escort would defensively head lunge and it appeared the juvenile male nearby was listening carefully. Noticing the size of the two adults the youngster decided it was in his best interest to keep migrating north and leave the escort pod to continue their conversation without him. The flirty female continued to breach repeatedly and it was absolutely spectacular to be so close to this power and hear the enormous thud as she came crashing back down. Eventually she decided to settle back into travel mode with her male escort who was also very relieved to have not been approached by any further bachelor males and for the meantime he could enjoy travelling with his female alone. A very special day out with the whales enjoying some Gold Coast whale watching and learning all about the Language of the Whales.

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