Humpback Whales
Humpback Whale watching tours Gold Coast
Humpback Whales migrate along the east coast of Australia every winter and spring as they make an extraordinary journey from the ice of Antarctica to the tropical paradise of Far North Queensland. The journey takes place every year as over 37,000 Humpback Whales undertake the annual migration to ensure the success of the next generation of calves that will be born this year.

Time To Head Home
A change of season is the call for the Humpback Whales to begin the journey back south, this time evading the increasing warmth of the tropics and moving back towards cooler waters. September onwards sights the beginning of the southern migration as the arrival of spring has the east coast Humpback Whales in a hurry to migrate back south in time for the beginning of the summer feeding season. The round trip from Antarctica to the Great Barrier Reef and back again will take the population 4-6 months to accomplish and a round journey of approximately 10,000 kilometres long.
A truly extraordinary migration that is sighted every year as the Humpback Whales complete an epic journey to ensure the survival of the next generation.

Scientific Classification
Megaptera novaeangliae
- Size: 14 to 16 meters
- Weight: Up to 45 tonnes
- Diet: Antarctic Krill
- Gestation: 10-11 months
- Lifespan: 60 to 70 years
- Feeding Grounds: Antarctica
- Breeding Grounds: East Coast of Australia
- Calving Grounds: Great Barrier Reef
The breach is when a whale will lift its entire body clear of the ocean below, propelling upwards with anywhere from 50-100% of the whales body airborne. One of the most powerful behaviours, the breach sends a very loud and clear signal to all those in the vicinity of the breaching individual.
Head Lunge
Pushing upwards with momentum, the whale will then fall forwards as they land on their belly. Often a whale will also fill their mouth with seawater on the way up and open their jaw midway through the lunge so the water is flicked out of their mouths and over their back creating an impressive display and sound.
Peduncle Slap
Pivoting their head down and using both long pectorals for leverage, the whale will throw the lower half of its body including the peduncle and fluke upwards. This behaviour is also referred to around the world as a tail lob or tail throw.
Fluke Slap
Lifting the enormous fluke vertically upwards and then forcefully slamming back down onto the surface, the fluke slap or tail slap sounds similar to cannon fire as the flat part of the whales fluke sends repercussions heard kilometres away.
Spy Hop
A curious behaviour where a whale will rise vertically through the water and lift their eyes closer to or above water level. Sighted amongst social pods and often when whales are interacting with vessels to allow for a better view around them.
A History of Whales on The Gold Coast
Queensland, the sunshine state of Australia and one of the most beautiful places in the world is ingrained in Australia’s culture as not only an extraordinary holiday destination but also a very special place to call home. The history of the Gold Coast dates back many years and was a very popular area for the local families and tribes to gather and meet. The immense growth of the Red Cedar trees were perfect for making boomerangs and many years later would be highly sought for the development of the shipping industry in Brisbane and beyond.

The growth of the timber industry through the 1800s started much development along the south coast of Queensland and the cedar trees became known as red gold due to the importance they played in the economy. The beauty of the region did not go unnoticed and Queensland’s Governor, Sir Anthony Musgrave and his family would often visit their holiday home on the Nerang River with its ocean views and cooling see breezes, the property was affectionately known as the Summer House.
The population of southeast Queensland continued to grow and as history had shown, the lifestyle found on the Gold Coast was the perfect destination for holidays and vacation retreats. Holiday homes, high-rises and further development continued and established Surfers Paradise as the playground of Australia. During this time the whales of Queensland were migrating north and south every winter and spring with the consistency of their migration encouraging the establishment of a whaling station. Tangalooma was chosen as the ideal location and following World War II the company Whale Products Pty Ltd was established and in June 1952 the very first whales were caught and processed at the facility.

Over 150 men worked 24/7 during the five month seasons and the curiosity of many was drawn to the station with boatloads of tourists joining excursions to see the flensing process and watch as enormous sharks patrolled the haul up ramps. The early 1960s sighted a decline in the Humpback Whale population off the east coast of Australia and coincided with the beginning of other energy reserves being discovered. The use of whale products was no longer required and with only 68 whales captured in 1962 compared to 600 whales in their first season, the Tangalooma Whaling Station was closed.
Humpback Whales are now a protected species and have slowly recovered since the late 1960s, growing from only 500 individuals to an estimated population of 37,000 whales today. Times have changed and it is a true joy to witness a now robust, healthy population of Humpback Whales taking over the coastline of Queensland every year on their annual migration. Tourists and locals alike still gather to see the whales, but now they are observing them in the wild and at their most magnificent. The history of Queensland is vast and the whales of the east coast are interlocked with this history. Today we have the opportunity to spend time with the members of this resilient population who have grown from near extinction and surged back to over 37,000 Humpback Whales in just over fifty years.