Whale Watching Surfers Paradise

Whale Watching Surfers Paradise was spectacular today as we enjoyed beautiful weather, busy Humpback Whales and Bottlenose Dolphins. It was all about the bachelor males today as multiple bachelor pods were observed migrating south. Relaxed, social and with a bit of time on their hands the boys enjoyed some social interaction on the journey south back towards Antarctica. This morning we had multiple pods communicating the Language of the Whales as breaching, head lunging and pec slapping were used to communicate amongst themselves. One pod of four males were hanging out together while cruising south with some boisterous trumpeting and gentle tail lobs. It was great to see a mix of mature males and juvenile males enjoying each others company as the youngsters learn from the older males during these interactions. A flirty female was our last interaction for the morning as she also launched into breaching before following up with graceful pec slapping to attract attention towards herself. It was a perfect way to complete a busy morning as we wished them well for their southbound journey ahead.

The afternoon saw the winds ease to almost a whisper as the warmth of the afternoon sun created a beautifully calm and relaxed environment. The pod of three bachelor males matched the conditions as they were in cruise control to the south and very curious. Approaching the Whale Watch 1 all three came in for a very close look as their powerful exhalations cut through the still conditions and we could not only see but feel the power and strength in these males. The boys were lovely and came over for multiple close inspections as a couple of the local Bottlenose Dolphins meandered past with dinner on their mind. Suddenly, an enormous full body breach from the youngest male erupted just on our bow before he came crashing back down. A few moments later a shark of approximately two meters was observed moving past us and away from the area, it appeared the pesky shark had startled the young male Humpback. The sharks are more of a nuisance for the whales but can be annoying if they continue to follow them and if startled a breach, tail lob or head lunge does a good job of clearing them out of the area. It was another beautiful Gold Coast winters day enjoying whale watching from Surfers Paradise aboard the Whale Watch 1.

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